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I’m directly explaining everything on a very straight forward approach. There has been a lot of people in this country I’m from where they have been accused of making the rich-richer and the poor-poorer. I’m not from one those people. I know what my company can do to the rich and what it has for the poor. When I was small, I used to see beggars at the Signals, railway stations and many other public places and seriously speaking tears used to roll down my cheeks most of the time. I used to feel so helpless and I used to wonder why such discrimination. But what is the difference between a Poor and a Rich. Just a matter of opportunity and difference of thoughts. Why can’t we think like Bill gates or Buddha. Why do people always have to use what they can get in free and without breaking a sweat? I’m here to change how people think. I want to change how people see this country.

My Plan is to make every small, medium, unrecognized, Under-rated, derailed and the list is long Hotels/Restaurants/Vendor to get back into the game. The game is called Food Service Industry. I want to revolutionize this industry and turn it into a biggest opportunity this country will ever see in coming 50 years. Let’s start with small examples and I’ll paint you a picture.

Date : 2005 (Hypothetical)
City : Pune
There was Restaurant named “KyaaKhanahai?” and it was started by our Marathi Brother Advait, he boosted the sales by hiring a guy named Kishan and he used to make everything on a North-Indian menu and the place was running perfectly just like how Advait has imagined. He planned everything and did everything to keep that place running and selling. Unfortunately, after 2 years there was a new restaurant opened two shops away from his place and he was shocked to see the features of new place. And later on several new places came up and his “KyaaKhanahai” was nowhere in the picture. Kishan was very depressed and disappointed seeing his boss forcefully sell the place to... show more
someone else so that he can avoid more loss because of the tough competition in the surrounding. As Kishan was not properly educated by his father being a Chef of his own he was not hired by any good restaurants and later switched to drive auto rickshaw in the city for earn food and shelter for his property. Even though he was a very talented and good chef knew everything in North-Indian menu he was unemployed, demotivated and dishearten by his profession choose to quit it and move to something far different. He asked his brothers not to learn cooking and take his life as lesson and start studying to become doctor and engineer. He never touched the pan again. He could have been a Head chef of any north Indian restaurants if a good opportunity had come to him on a silver plate. If this idea I had gotten into somebody’s mind and implemented it properly might have saved millions of talents in our country other than modifying them into Doctors and engineers which also a very good thing but most of them are unemployed or just have a degree to show.

We forgot what we had running into our blood, our forefathers’ skills. A craftsmen, Artist, writer, poets, a cook, even a roadside chai Wala. We all have a different talent and people driving their fancy cars never look at those talents. We made a chai Wala Prime minister of our country regardless thinking what impression it will create on the children of other Chai Wala on the street who thinks that his father might end up being the same after some years but spends his entire life selling chai on the same place and later on his child is following the same profession and so on but never gets reorganized for what he does, make an excellent chai every time. And we are asking giants like Starbucks and CCD to create a healthy tea coffee experience in our country who are already well established and not giving them any sort of competition in a foreign market. Kishan’s son is driving an Auto –rickshaw in Pune these days.

I want to link these people who have a talent no one sees but they know that what they are selling is the best in town. I vendor for Parathas who can challenge anyone to get the same taste and quality in the price he is offering at his location. Anyone can find it? No, because they will be threatened by his confidence. His confidence in his chef who cook these delicious parathas that he can make him a star if he gets an opportunity. He will ask the chef to teach 10 guys the same style he cooks any how to remain in the market. He will give them publicity to promote people who love cooking paratha to compete with his chefs and this is the healthy competition. Other people will get better and better at giving an excellent parathas experience to anyone.
Join us to promote the local tasty chefs and other maker of some creative food that sell in your area and We will post it in our portal to Create a Knowledge about what is selling without limelight and can be introduced to a new level. Message on the page and we will check the taste by visiting them or inquiring about them to promote them. Lets create a new impression of these people and help them grow big. Cheers!
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5 recommendations and reviews from 1 person

    Recommendations from Vishal P.

  • Referral from July 12, 2016
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  • Referral from July 1, 2016
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  • Referral from June 24, 2016
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  • Referral from June 22, 2016
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  • Referral from June 22, 2016
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