Any Phys ed teacher deal with plantar fasciitis....I think I have it and now don't know how I can stay on my feet all day long in the gym. Any great remedies,...
Pam S. replied:
Mobility WOD Dr. Kelly Starrett. Search YouTube. You'll need a LaCrosse ball. And has great mobility tools. I've taught for 28 years and his methods helped me break up scar tissue and heal my feet. Best wishes.
Sarah S. replied:
Love these insoles!!! Saved my feet. I'm 31 and was starting to have a hard time walking bc of the pain. These help so much! m7UHc5DfL&ref=plSrch I had it for a year. Finally tried these inserts and was manageable within a few weeks and gone in a couple of months. You can order them or find them at running stores. I used them for a few years before I had the guts to go without. No issues since.
Mary D. replied:
Powerstep in your shoes. It saved me.
Jo L. replied:
Sauconey and Ascis good arch support and cushioned heels, slept in a boot, constantly stretching my feet. I would switch shoes at lunch time and wear two different pair of shoes the next day.
Steve D. replied:
I have had it for years. It lasts forever. Unfortunately I bought some nike air max shoes and started wearing inserts from super feet. They are green, it will take weeks for your feet to adjust to any insert. Eventually they will settle in and you'll be fine. I went to the dr and got $500 inserts several times, but super feet work just as well. And they are $40 The Nike air max is the key $200 shoes, but they will alleviate the pain.
Bridgette D. replied: This may help.