Wightman Telecom. I pay 61.90 (taxes and modem rental included) for unlimited high speed internet. If you can get bell at your house then you can get wightman to hook up internet for you. They have amazing customer service.
Looking for recommendations for high speed internet service, 30mbps download or higher, unlimited, reasonable rates, good service. Not Rogers, Bell or Wrightman. Thanks!
Alexander M. replied:
Distributel - so far so good (they use Bell btw) http://landing.distributel.ca/p/v2/BrandONEN/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAvrfSBRC2ARIsAFumcm-OhAjKj7 ls60 fsy1 ePz8 q8MolhWJ0 lE__zb9Yqsb9QiWmciTJ8Cr8 aAkG7EALw_wcB
Jason Miles, My wife sent me a screen shot of your Rogers "Check my Speed" WOW!! Are you seriously getting those speeds? I've been looking for a new internet service...
Jason M. replied:
Hey Shane, yes sir, that was a test done over the weekend and posted to my FB wall. I used http://www.speedtest.net to test. I have the 250u service, and get closer to 350. They have other packages available, but I promise you that's from my place using an ethernet cable (not wireless). If you're using WiFi only, 250u isn't neccessarily a waste depending on the number of devices, but you'll never see that speed over a single wireless connection because most residential WiFi doesn't get close to that speed (I show about 75mbit on my iPhone using WiFi to a commercial WiFi router (I do IT for a living). If you're looking for unlimited, Rogers offers a 100u service for $68 per month. I get 99.9% uptime according to my router stats. Richard Croft has the same service and can confirm the speeds I'm getting. I'm on Parkview near Lawrence, so would be on a different "phub" than you, but I expect you'd get the same service. The fiber line is likely for a upcoming service that I can't tell you about, but has the word fiber in it LOL:) We stream CONSTANTLY in my house. My router stats are scary. No cable, just Netflix, and YouTube.
Hi Orangeville Neighbours. I have Internet Service by Bell. Do any of You have Rogers? How is your Service Please? Nothing but failed Connections, during the month of...
Hello all! I'm moving to Orangeville in two weeks and had a few questions. For instance, how do I find a female doctor for myself and a male doctor for my husband? ...