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United Licensing Group

  • Jimmy Esebag

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  • 1901 ave of the stars #470
    Los Angeles, CA 90067 (map)

About us

United Licensing Group in Los Angeles, CA is a private company categorized under License Services. Current estimates show this company has annual revenue of $1 to 2.5 million and employs a staff of approximately 10 to 19.Jimmy Esebag, 50, is the chairman of United Licensing Group, although not a household name the company owns the rights to the Playboy brand and various other household names.Re owned entrepreneur Jimmy Esebag has announced the launch and worldwide distribution of Playboy Condoms - the first and only line of top quality prophylactics to sport the legendary brand synonymous with sophistication, high style and pleasure - through the company United Medical Devices (UMD). ...A visionary businessman whose pioneering expertise in corporate and celebrity brand management has brought him international acclaim and respect, Esebag is chairman of United Licensing Group, and known as the impresario who pioneered the Playboy licensing empire.LHG is proud to be associated with the prestigious and dynamic brand that Elite conveys to its consumers worldwide," said Jimmy Esebag, Chairman of the Board ofLHG.The Elite program will target young women, integrating high fashion at an affordable price. LHG will create a distribution strategy with the Elite brand name in order to provide the market lifestyle of fashion, beauty, glamour and luxury. Plans for the brand include: Apparel, Swimwear, Intimates, Accessories, Beauty, Hair, Fragrance and Hospitality expansion.Elite Models fashion has already gained brand recognition internationally but now helmed by Jimmy Esebag, the brand will be catapulted into worldwide success.According to Street Saint Founder and CEO Jimmy Esebag, "Street aint is the first lifestyle company to create art-inspired fashios and lifestyle products for a generation that grew up immersed in a digital culture.Street Saint is a privately held company headed by CEO and founder Jimmy Esebag.Esebag is also the chairman of United Licensing Group (ULG) and... show more is best known for originating worldwide licensing for Playboy International.Street Saint's headquarters and flagship store are located in Los Angeles.According to, Esebag is the chairman of United Licensing Group, the firm which owns the rights to Playboy brand. He is also involved with Elite Modeling Agency. show more

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