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Prestons Property Maintenance

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Recommendations & Reviews

  • Burnley
    Padiham, England (map)

2 recommendations and reviews from 2 people

  • WhoDoYou Review from August 14, 2014
    Niall Preston gave us what we thought was a cheap quote but did say he could do the job (Renew the garage roof with boarding and felt and taking off the old asbestos roof). Not once whilst he was looking at the job for quoting did he say his work is below standard, nor did he say he would be using the wrong type of felt for a garage roof, instead he used something that you would cover a small shed with. If he had said to us he was going to use inadequate felt, I would have said, no I want the proper stuff and if that meant re-calculating then I would've been happy with that, but he didn't even give us that option. When I came home from work and looked at the finished work(they had already gone) I only had a quick look as the weather was bad, but looking at it shortly after I realised it was a right mess. The boarding on one side looked like it was sawn with a hand saw, in some parts there was a 1mm overhang and in other parts a couple inches and the felt was the same all around, there were parts where you could see daylight through if looking from the inside and nails coming through the boards. The felt wasn't melted and stuck down, only tacked and they attempted to stick down what seemed to be the contents of a bag of sand, spread accross the roof which just blew off with the bad weather into mine and the neighbours garden, if you looked at the roof carefully you could see the wind getting under the felt and blowing it. They also trampled on lots of my plants which in the grand sceme of things wasn't a big deal. The lad who they brought in to take off and dispose of the asbestos who we were told was a specialist seemed (from my girlfriend) to not know what he was doing, he was jumping on the aspestos on the driveway to break it up. I got a specialist in to take a look at the work and give his opinion and he said it's the worst job he's ever seen and that it needed all taking down and doing again. I contacted Niall via facebook and told him all of this and at first he said he did his best with the materials he had and in his opinion it was a good job, the specialist however said it looked like a schoolboys job and that they didn't know what they were doing. Niall said he will come and put up some facia boards and I said that isn't good enough, I either want a full refund or the job re-doing. I gave him a few days to decide what he was doing otherwise I will take legal action, he got back to me after I asked him what was happening a few days later and he said he is broke and bankrupt and can do neither.. In my opinion people should steer clear of using Niall Preston of Burnley (Prestons Property Maintenance) as his work is Way below that of a basic standard and you will lose your money.
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