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Amber & Will Handmade

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About us

Welcome to my page!!! My name is Kelly and I'm a 30 something mum to two little cuties Jack & Grace.
I have always been a crafter at heart (I think the passion originally stemmed from addiction to dollhouses and miniatures), I don't think there has ever been a time in my life where I haven't had multiple projects on the go.
Creativity keeps me sane, positive and happy. I made this page to show some of my past and present projects and my hope is to eventually find a few items to produce and sell one day. I will attempt
making anything and everything. I am a keen DIYer at heart. I love to dabble in sewing, crochet, knitting, screen printing, chalkboard art, pottery, the list really is never ending... at the moment I'm especially loving anything to do with paper such as party decorations, pinatas, paper making, paper mache, invitations and typography. My main inspirations for projects come from my surroundings
and whats happening in my life. I am super addicted to pinterest and revel in bub waking up in the middle of the night so I get those few minutes in at 2am before I go back to bed to secretly scroll through the masses of amazing ideas. Other things that excite me are markets, garage sales, OMG demolition yards!!!! anything old and rusty and rustic I love (which my friends find quite funny at times). I am self taught in most things I do, its all trial and error and works out eventually but other skills I would like to master in the future include welding/ metal work and leather craft and eventually collecting more tools so I can create more out of timber.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from January 12, 2016
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