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Hassan Photo and Video Studios

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Forbes Road
    Cape Town, WC 7800 (map)

About us

Before being branded as Hassan Photo and Video Studios (HPAVS), we started out, shooting for fun with our phone's cameras and realised we love what we do. As brothers we eventually invested in some equipment and decided to make this a professional venture. This is when HPAVS was born, as a common platform to showcase what we do to the broader public.
We realised that there are plenty more aspiring photographers who need to have their work showcased as well, and that instead of starting out from scratch, gathering the followers, they are allowed to showcase here, under our name, but as their own brand.
This network formed has allowed other photographers to join our network, not only to showcase, but also to have support, in terms of making equipment available to each other, as well as learning the sometimes difficult trade.
We are aspiring photographers, so we have a lot fun on shoots, as well as always keeping it professional.
Each one of our Photographers and Videographers have their own flavour and forte, car photography and videography, wedding photography, model shoots, parties, real estate, decor, products, or shows.
To Book, call the number, or inbox the page, or pop us an email, and you will be directed to a photographer who is sort of custom made for your requirements.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from January 19, 2016
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