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Ashtead Secret Supper Club

Recommendations & Reviews

About us

Join via the website http://www.ashteadsecretsupperclub.co.uk

Secret Supper Clubs are like restaurants you set up in your own home. You cook for a number of guests who pay a suggested donation to cover costs.

Ashtead Secret Supper Club is a new venture where people have the chance to meet, dine cheaply and cook for each other. We will try to coordinate groups who have common interests so, we hope, will get on with each other!

If you decide to host a meal, you specify how many guests you can accommodate and cook at least a three-course meal. You ask for a donation of £10-20 to cover your expenses.

We would hope that most people would want to attend or host a supper club around once a month.

Please register your interest on the web page and the first meals will start in a few weeks!

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from May 15, 2014
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