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  • 4th Floor, Naspur House, Himayat Nagar, above Hyundai Showroom
    Hyderabad, AP 500029 (map)

About us

Afilar is an initiative that aims to empower and enable many young professionals. We are out here to bridge the skill gap that affects many professionals and individuals these days.

Though we have a lot of human capital up for the taking, it is found that most of the talent in India is untrained and is not ready to take up professional challenges. This is because technology and business changes rapidly, and a graduates program is just not enough to become a trained professional.

Most of us realize this fact. So, after graduation, we spend a lot of time and money on gaining skills. And, in this process of gaining skills, many of us gain certifications, but still do not gain any tangible skills required for the industry. This is so as most skill development programs have tunnel vision and fail to envisage the broader picture. The need of the hour is in fact a comprehensive skill development program that imparts much needed subject knowledge along with relevant industry practices and gives hands on work experience.

We, at Afilar, have taken up the initiative to provide individuals and professionals the cutting edge through skill development. We believe in imparting the right kind of knowledge and the right kind of training. Our major focus is on providing on-job training for professionals so that they would be ready to take up the challenges of work right from the day one.

Our team of experienced professionals and entrepreneurs is mainly led by Mr. Srinivas Byreddy and Mr. Sreeram Nyshadham who have rich experience in mentoring and preparing young professionals for the challenges and rigor of the industry.

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  • Referral from April 20, 2016
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