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A Fresh Start Law


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  • 2037 Franklin Ave
    Las Vegas, NV 89104 (map)

About us

At A Fresh Start Law, Las Vegas attorney Dorothy Bunce solves all kinds of debt problems you may have. While Attorney Dorothy mostly represents people in bankruptcy court, she has other tricks up her sleeve to offer you options besides bankruptcy to solve your debt problems. Once your problems are solved, she will show you how to move forward by showing you how to repair your credit.

Dorothy Bunce may treat you just like she were your Mom, but without the scolding or guilt trip. Dorothy understands how difficult it is to talk about money problems and knows how hard you tried to solve these problems on your own. Her background as an attorney, as a former debt settlement agent, former debt collector, and person who used to have serious debt problems means she is uniquely qualified to show you choices to solve YOUR debt problems LEGALLY. Dorothy will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each choice you can make, with no BS and no hard pressure sales pitch.

Dorothy Bunce has helped hard working Nevada individuals solve their financial problems since 1979. She would be happy to meet you to look for some solutions. It is up to you to pick up the phone to get a no obligation appointment with her.

Debt problems, including mortgages, court judgments, medical bills, credit cards, payday loans, vehicle loans, including underwater loans, repo & voluntary return deficiencies, and even old tax debts can be solved using both new and time tested legal strategies. Dorothy Bunce can explain these options so you can decide what is right for you. Circumstances beyond your control can force you into needing legal help to resolve your debt problems. Every client at A Fresh Start has a reason why, in spite wanting to do the right thing, they must protect themselves and their family first.

Dorothy Bunce began practicing law in 1978 as one of the first 100 women admitted to practice law in Nevada. Dorothy handled her first bankruptcy case in 1979 in Reno. When Dorothy moved to... show more
Las Vegas, she opened up her practice under the name of A Fresh Start because her goal is to help hard working people recover from the financial problems they face.

Dorothy Bunce was the youngest attorney admitted to practice in Nevada in 1978. She graduated from the University of Puget Sound School of Law in Tacoma, Washington in 1978 with a Juris Doctor's degree. She graduated from the University of Missouri, Kansas City in 1975 with a Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communications.

Dorothy grew up on a small farm on Bainbridge Island, WA, with dairy cows, chickens, ducks and geese. To pay for her college education, she kept a poodle "at stud" and babysat for neighborhood children for 50 cents an hour.

Dorothy's husband, Victor, died in 1989 under tragic circumstances and his medical debts led Dorothy to have to file bankruptcy herself. Her current partner, Joe, is disabled due to a brain injury, and receives social security disability benefits. Dorothy understands how fragile life can be & that anyone can face tough economic times.

These experiences give her the unique ability to understand all kinds of financial hardships, including yours.

Bankruptcy Attorney, Foreclosure, Attorney, Tax Relief

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