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Designer's Clothing for Everyone

Recommendations & Reviews

About us

We believe everyone should be able to afford to wear designer's clothing and LOOK GREAT, because when YOU LOOK GREAT, YOU FEEL GREAT.

We found a way to make the designer's clothing affordable by sepatating clothing design from the production cost.

Now you purchase a design from a designer and put the production up for bidding, worldwide or close to your home, so you choose the best tailor at the best price to make your clothes.

But wait, there is more: Have a favorite item of clothing but it doesn't fit right anymore? We have an option to "Clone your Own Clothing" so your fav item can be given a second life: custom created to fit you perfect again!!! Try it, it's amazing.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from January 28, 2014
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