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Bar-B Roofing

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 508 Chestnut Ave
    Anniston, AL 36201 (map)

Hours of operation

Monday7:00AM - 7:00PM
Tuesday7:00AM - 7:00PM
Wednesday7:00AM - 7:00PM
Thursday7:00AM - 7:00PM
Friday7:00AM - 7:00PM
Saturday7:00AM - 6:00PM


3 recommendations and reviews from 3 people

  • WhoDoYou Review from April 16, 2021
    What's to say? I have called them out twice in two years, and both times had outright refusals to work. This time, they refused to even quote me to remedy a job where I was taken for about 16k and left with leaks, rot, and tons of mold (I have heart and lung probs. Now on CPAP due to the reactions ive been having from mold - before we knew it was mold). I had to go with one of their competitors the first time, who scammed me and took off. Now Im having to take it to court bc I have a lot of health issues and the problems they caused are negatively effecting it. Im also highly allergic to aspergillus, which is in some spots 20k in count (1500 and up is considered high). The roofers I paid were to remove all the bad wood, they did not, and with all the mold and rot under the shingles and with all the roof leaks it basically just took over the last year and some change, and with it everyone in the house got sick. I have to litigate and have dumped a boatload of money into quick fixes for the time and air scrubbers to buy me time for remedy and just asked the guy to give me a quote for my attorney so I can get my money back and actually act on said quote, but the owner here refuses to work with me this time BC I need this quote for litigation as well as to get my roof remedied (last time he said his insurance wouldnt let him touch it for less than 20k and maybe more like 25k, that the entire roof needed rebuilt). He came out to my house at 9 am just to refuse me. Isnt that nice? Im not a lefty at all, but I sure hope BLM and ANTIFA turn their animosity where it truly belongs, with such disreputable people as the ones who fill the construction & service industry in Anniston AL. I will never recommend them. Im not convinced this isnt indicative of the racist mentality of this area (happens on both sides, apparently there is a white and black side of town and being from out of state when I bought the house, I did not know this. Ive found out by construction outfits like this one - both sides give me hell for being here and most people that work this side trash talk black people and do nothing but scam in this region. Its gross.) Whatever happened to honest work? Since these people are so well off and seemingly can pick and choose their work based off seemingly stereotypes and skin types and how easy the job is vs how high their profits are for the ease of work, I cannot advise them and would tell you to source your business elsewhere. If you cant use local help and help the community, then get the best you can from out of area, but avoid these guys. Completely useless.
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  • Referral from February 18, 2015
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  • Referral from September 5, 2013
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