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Marquez Sweet's

Recommendations & Reviews

About us

What is a candy bar?
A candy bar is a striking presentation of quality candy that is designed to harmonize the theme or color scheme of your event. Candy bars offer a stunning setting and luscious decor for any occasion.

Why should I include a candy bar at my event?
It is the best idea and above all it’s unique! A candy bar will make your event unforgettable leaving your guests with astonishment. They also make an incredible favor for your event--one that all ages will love!

Can I do this myself?
Many people have accomplished this task, but end up spending more money than if they had hired an expert. If you do decide to tackle this job just keep in mind you will not only have to locate and purchase all the candy but have to purchase all the glassware , scoops, linens, ribbons, candy bags, tags; most of all the hassle of transporting your glass jars and setting up and refilling. Remember you will also have to invest on researching all your candy and try to get the best deal as possible taking you away from your special event. Additionally, what will you do with so much glassware and ribbons after all is said and done? Let me take that burden off of you and allow you to save a great amount of money.

Why should I choose Marquez Sweets to design my candy bar?
Glad you asked!! Not only will I help with all the details to your special décor and set up; I will make it a non-stressful task at your next party. Marquez Sweets exclusively provides customized candy displays in the Southern California region. Our customized candy bars can fit any style, color, or special theme, making your event exceptional and unforgettable while still staying within your budget.

All Candy Buffet's include:
Themed Decorations
Glass Jars
Candy Scoopers
Candy Delivery
Complete Set-up and Take down

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from June 10, 2016
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