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I Decide

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  • Heliopolis
    Cairo, Cairo Governorate 33515 (map)

About us

Are you tired of people constantly telling you the only way to feel better is to go out and lose weight or get into shape?

It's not like you haven't tried, right?

You've spent money at the gym, bought a treadmill, and even gone to exercise classes! None of those ever seem to get you to your target weight loss though, did they?

Do you ever wish that one time, just one time; you could finally experience life like other people?

Finally feel what it is like to be happy, healthy, and confident?

Our IDecide Camp location is an ideal place in a holiday location With the help of certified personal trainers, behavioral counselors, nutritionists, chefs and life coaches.

we are specialists in motivating people to lose weight, get fit, eat healthy and most importantly make a life changing transformation.

The IDecide Camp offers programs that strive to empower guests to achieve their weight loss goals through a strategic combination of fitness, nutrition, education and relaxation.
Programs are designed for every level of fitness to guide you to a slimmer, healthier, happier future.

The IDecide Fitness Camp is a supportive community where people can workout with other like-minded individuals without the fear of being judged or feeling insecure or overwhelmed.

We will help you safely achieve rapid weight loss, improve muscle tone and improved health at our beautiful, secluded and isolated location Discover a new you in just one week.
اول كامب في مصر في مكان معزول و مجهز بكل الوسائل اللي تساعدك علي فقدان الوزن تحت اشراف اخصائيين تغذية و مدربين علي اعلي مستوى لعمل برنامج غذائي و رياضي اللي بيتناسب مع كل واحد و بنوفرلك وسائل ترفيهية تساعدك علي فقدان الوزن و كمان بنوفرلك كل سبل الراحة و الهدوء النفسي ببرامج عاملينها مخصوص علشان نضمن راحتك... show more
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Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from April 27, 2016
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