I need in

The Dollar Club, helping animals one dollar at a time

  • www.facebook.com/thedollarclub/

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  • P.O. Box 4253
    Bethlehem, PA 18018 (map)

About us


Many people want to help animals but most cannot afford to contribute a large amount of money to several different needy animals.

With this new concept, we have found a way for everyone to help for one single dollar bill.

Here is how it works:

When we come upon an animal needing emergency vet care we post the story on our Facebook page and our website. We usually grant $100 instantly as long as we have it in our account. We then post it on our Facebook and our web-page in the hopes our fans and friends will send more donations in. We also include an address and paypal account for the animal in need so you can donate directly to them if you wish.

Many people donate directly to us and that is how we can grant $100 instantly. But if you prefer, you can donate directly to each animal as you see fit.

YOU get to feel GREAT for being a part of saving that animals life for one small dollar!

We are now a 501c3 registered non-profit charitable organization

To donate to us directly:

PayPal: thedollarclub@yahoo.com

The Dollar Club
P.O. Box 770906
Ocala, FL 34477-0906

Click here to donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=G844WBHBWBNBA

If you are asking for help, you must include the reason, a photo of the animal, the link to your fundraising site, paypal info and vet name, phone number and mailing address.

We usually only grant small amounts like $100

We do not help pay off bills that have already been incurred

Our main focus is to get the animal in to see the vet for emergency life/death situations. We do not fund routine care.

Please do not just post fundraising links without also posting the contact information for the person needing the help. I am just one person and do not have the time to search for this information for every request we receive. Those fundraising sites that allow comments or e-mails are never seen by the organizer and I do not have the time to search... show more
through facebook names to find them. I must be able to contact them directly.

We can only donate to you if you are a designated 501c3 non-profit. Otherwise, donations MUST be made directly to your vet providing the care. This is an IRS rule.

Remember, the more donations we receive the more animals we can help. It is our hope that the people and groups that we help, donate back to us. We only ask for $1.00


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2 recommendations and reviews from 2 people

  • Referral from September 14, 2016
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  • Referral from October 23, 2014
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