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Tulsi Holistic Living


Recommendations & Reviews

  • 5125 MacArthur Boulevard Northwest
    Washington, DC 20016 (map)

About us

At Tulsi Holistic Living, we believe that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. Given the right ingredients - appropriate nutrition, regular elimination of toxins, adequate rest and rejuvenation, and mental/emotional balance - the body will heal, repair and recover into good health. It is the exposure to and accumulation of unnatural substances and stresses that compromise the natural healing abilities of the body. A holistic approach addresses these underlying causes of health imbalances, clears toxic blockages and restores health through natural means.

Our holistic health practitioners work with clients to achieve and maintain optimal health and wellbeing, addressing a vast range of health concerns including but not limited to everyday stress, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, aches and pains, weight and metabolism problems, and chronic digestive, respiratory, immune, hormonal, nervous and muscular-skeletal issues.

Stop by or call us to see how Tulsi can help you achieve better health - naturally!

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from December 2, 2011
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  • Acupuncturex
  • Alternative & Holistic Healthx
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