Tell us where you need a mover. We'll do the rest.


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About us

CUT/SEW is an independent patternmaking company created in 2015 in Orlando, Florida with a few simple, crazy, madly passionate goals: innovating sewing patterns, a product that's remained unchained over decades and has been the bane of home sewers who can't decode their vague, often overcomplicated instructions, and making quality sewing easy and accessible for movers, shakers, cosplayers, and creators. Our mission is to elevate sewing at home from the crafty-kitschy stuff of fabric store nightmares to a thing of frantic, creative beauty; we believe that anyone making stuff, whether it's clothes or cosplay, is making something amazing and our goal is to help you on your own unique creative journey in a way that supports your unique skills, body type, and needs.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from November 2, 2016
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  • Fabric shopx
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