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  • No. 366, Galle Road
    Colombo, WP 00300 (map)

About us

EventsPal is a virtual event management and event monitoring system which enables anyone involved in the event management industry to become a member of a global network of event planners, event performers, event venues and most importantly talented artists. EventsPal aims to be the largest online event management service provider in the world and has taken necessary steps to establish its name in the market.

With EventsPal, organizing an event or finding anything or anyone related to an event, be it booking a hotel or a conference room, locating a good florist or a professional photographer or even learning to run your event smoothly by using the event management platform we are offering to all our users, life could be made so much easier and much more convenient than anyone could imagine.

EventsPal will also be a great help if you are an expat in your country and do not know what kinds of events are happening around your area, EventsPal can help you with that and erase your boredom forever. You could do a million things with EventsPal - Your Ultimate Events Pal!

Visit our website www.eventspal.com and join the largest events community ever to be found on the face of earth!

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from April 13, 2017
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