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  • 155 Grove Rd
    South Orange, NJ 07102 (map)

About us

Whenever and wherever I travel I always keep my camera at my side. And through the photographic image I preserve not only the visual memories of people and places but also the emotions experienced while on my journey.

I compose a photograph seeking the illusive view, the angle of light, the hidden colors, the time of day that, while always there, has often been overlooked. Along this path I have discovered a passion for High Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery and long exposures where I am able to provide greater intensity of detail in both color and light.

The peaceful walk along the river, the glow and embracing warmth of the awakening and setting sun, the magic of the wonderland brought about by winter's snow. These images that fill me with a calm, lasting excitement, captured forever.

Allison V Brown
155 Grove Road
South Orange, NJ 07079
(973) 953-4940

“A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety.”
~Ansel Adams~

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