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Tricia Casper Dog Training

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  • 1081 E Howard St
    Pasadena, CA 91104 (map)

About us

I have over 15 years of animal experience, including zookeeping, dog daycare, animal safety on film/TV sets, dog walking, pet sitting, shelter work, dog training and dog behavior modification. I have been training dogs since 2006 and have had the pleasure of working with many types of dogs and dog breeds.

I enjoy the challenge that comes from working with dogs, especially those that require behavior modification. Thanks to my own leash reactive dog, I developed a training class in 2010 for other "reactive rovers" that has proven to be very popular and necessary. Because of the amount of people and dogs who have been helped through this program, it has become one of my favorites.

My training methods include positive reinforcement, using whatever motivates your dog, coupled with appropriate corrections that are only enough to cause your dog to stop the unwanted behavior. Corrections should only come after your dog understands what is expected of him or her.

Training begins at your home where your dog will benefit the most. Some issues can be resolved in one session, and some may take several meetings over time. Your dog's training program will depend on many factors including your dog's temperament, personality and working drive, the behavioral issues you want to resolve, and what you would like to achieve through training. All of these things will be discussed during our first meeting.

If at any point we need to add more distractions, training may continue at other places that offer this type of environment. For example, if your goal is to hike off-leash with your dog, training will eventually move to hiking trails where high distractions are present.

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