Does anyone know know of any Vets that will subscribe cbd(weed) for dog epilepsy? My dog has epilepsy and the medication he is currently taking causes him to drink a lot of water and is not the best for his kidneys so we would like to try putting him on cbd (weed) . I have talked to a few Vets but since Marijuana is still a class 1 controlled substance at a national level and Veterinary licenses are also at the national level they were not willing to provide medical advice. Any help would be much appreciated.
MrsWhatsit-75 replied:
If he needs more fluids than he is taking in, you can always give him subq fluids. Also, even CBD marijuana is dehydrating. Good for pain however. All the best carries it, they may be able to point you to more info. Try asking these folks.
Does anyone know a dog physical therapist or massage therapist? My friend's dog was in her car during a car accident and she has had trouble finding someone
Jessica R. replied: They have very good reputation and very good reviews according to Yelp. I talked to the owner and have client that uses her as well.