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Sticks & Bones

  • Amanda Easterbrook
  • www.dogwalkingauckland.co.nz

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Auckland, Auckland 1061 (map)

About us

Sticks & Bones is a dedicated dog walking service, we don't feed cats, walk rabbits or pet-sit fish - we believe in doing what we do best, and that is walking dogs.

All Sticks & Bones dog walks are a minimum of 60 or 75 minutes, we choose the best urban and adventure parks, bush walks and beaches in Auckland for dogs to walk, run, explore and swim. We walk the best dogs ever and we love it!

We keep our groups tight, no more than four dogs (excluding staff dogs) at one time, from experience we believe this is optimal group size for dogs to enjoy each other's company, for maximum engagement and for safety. We build bonds with the dogs that we care for and take pride in being a part of their daily life & seeing happy, contented, tired dogs when we take them home.

We're not casual walkers, we're dedicated professional dog walkers with a focus on safety and positive encouragement when we handle every dog. Safety is at the core of everything we do, from transporting your dog in our customised vehicle right through to park selection - we take the responsibility of taking care of dogs seriously.

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  • Dog Walkerx
  • Pet Boarding/Pet Sittingx

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