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Corwin's Personal Chef & Catering Services

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 1255 Belle Avenue, Suite 103
    Orlando, FL 32708 (map)

About us

As a child I've always wanted to cook. I watched my dad and my grandma cook all the time. My dad was more of the "experimental" type and my grandma was more of the down to earth "good ole country cooking" type. I was blessed enough to get the best of both worlds. I watched them growing up and I realized that what they did was amazing and how it made people feel was great. We would always get together and just "eat and be happy". Everybody would always come hungry and leave stuffed! I knew then that I was destined to be a CHEF. I knew that it was my calling!

I started out a bus boy at a restaurant. Eventually I ended up as a General Manager of another restaurant. I then realized that wasn't my food. I was only cooking what the corporate chef came up with, I couldn't take credit. I had to make my own name. So I moved to Orlando. I graduated Le' Cordon Bleu and I started working at The Attic Door, a nice little cozy bar with a "made from scratch kitchen" where we did tons of catering. They gave me a chance to do what I wanted to do and start making a name for myself. I started Corwin's Personcal Chef and Catering Company in my spare time and now its a full time job. I finally get to do what I love to do! In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my wife and children, traveling and trying new foods. I'm a fan of what you would call a "hole in the wall" type of establishment. I love "made from scratch kitchens" where people get to put there heart in the food and cook with passion. I only approve of made from scratch, fresh ingredients, and cooking with a passion!

For more information please contact us at 407-883-6295 or

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from August 3, 2017
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