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Sparky Do Dah

Recommendations & Reviews

About us

Our Children are experiencing a completely different childhood than we did. In one short generation things have changed so drastically, we are keeping an eye on what is happening to our kids.

The research into children's health and well-being is showing dire trends globally, with Australian kids leading the way - in the wrong direction.

We want to get more kids outside, more often, to have fun with Real Play.

We connect with kids at community events and festivals, through school holiday programs (Gold Coast, Brisbane, Ipswich), at shopping centres and schools, we have helped hundreds of children celebrate their birthdays, and we also hold our own events called 'Sparky's Carnival'.

Sparky Do Dah is striving to preserve a connection to a natural childhood.

The 3 biggest areas of change has been the explosion of technology, processed foods, and helicopter parents.

Technology itself is great. We love it. But we know that it's usage needs to be monitored as it encourages sedentary, indoor, non-social play. We proudly wave the 'Swap Screen Time for Green Time' flag.

Processed Foods are hard to escape from. The supermarkets are filled with them and they are just so easy, and tasty... But the high refined sugar content alone is responsible for an alarming rise in childhood obesity and related physical and mental health problems. There are lots of unhealthy skinny kids too. We help kids identify Real Food.

Helicopter Parents are the ones that hover over their children, making their choices for them, and limiting their freedoms. The premise is 'to keep them safe', but your child is more likely to get struck by lightning than be abducted. Unsupervised 'Roaming Areas' have reduced from kilometres, to; 'within sight at all times'. These kids are missing out on the experiences that build their character.

So, sedentary lifestyles and poor diet are setting our children up for a life filled with dis-ease, and as they are not having the independent life experiences as we did, they are not... show more
developing the essential life skills, such as; calculated risk taking, effective communication, negotiation, creative problem solving, independence, leadership, etc.

We are not against 'change' - we just want things to develop in ways that benefit our kids.

We offer amazing opportunities for Free Play, Nature Play and Family Play.

Based on the Gold Coast, we service many areas throughout S.E. Queensland and Northern NSW.
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Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from November 1, 2017
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