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About us

Leading to the arrival of my first camera I had spent months researching the work of history’s most famous and talented photographers. I would spend several hours a day studying their work and trying to understand what made them so special.

The day the camera arrived I sat outside, under a tree, realizing
that what I was holding in my hand was truly going to represent
a life long passion and at the same time I felt I needed to make a
decision; will I only focus on the final product or the process by
which I achieved it? I chose the latter and that decision resulted
in me deciding I would never post process an image I’ve made as
an artist.

To this day, do I hold that oath, unbroken, and from that decision
I’ve realized all cameras have a personality created from the things
they are both good and bad at accomplishing. The photographs you
see when viewing my work are only the surface to the thousands
of hours I’ve committed to polishing my skill with the camera.

That is why I’m looking forward to inviting you on my journey
towards creating art that goes beyond the image and dives deep
into the soul.


Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from May 12, 2014
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  • Photographerx

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