Looking for a sushi restaurant recommendation! Hey Madison, I'm looking for a decent place to get sushi near the downtown area.
I'd prefer to avoid any chains and it'd be a bonus if the menu wasn't crazy expensive. I know sushi can be expensive, but I don't wanna spend $25 a person.
If you know a place that you like, or have heard good things about please let me know!
drunkenAmoeba replied:
The best value is probably the lunch special at [Wasabi](http://wasabi-madison.com/) or [Takara](http://www.takaramadison.com/menu.aspx) on State. [Takumi](http://www.takumirestaurant.net/) out on the East side has good sushi that's not too expensive, either. The straight-up cheapest is at [Sushi Express](http://www.sushiexpresswi.com/). The best sushi in town is probably at [Red](http://redsushi.net/). [Sushi Muramoto](http://www.sushimuramoto.com/) and [Restaurant Muramoto](http://www.restaurantmuramoto.com/) are great too. These choices will likely set you over the $25/person limit, though.