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Lights Film School

Recommendations & Reviews

About us

The idea for Lights Film School stemmed from a shared frustration. As trained filmmakers ourselves, many on our team have benefited from years of formal education. But what about people who either don’t want or aren’t able to study at such schools? Shouldn’t everyone who wants to learn how to make movies have the chance to do so?

Well, thanks to the internet, they do. There are some fantastic filmmaking resources out there – many of which are free! – but we wanted to create a centralized learning experience that was much more guided, intuitive, and hands-on.

In a sense, we wanted to capture the magic of traditional film school online.

To do this, we realized that we needed to accomplish three things. We needed to design a comprehensive curriculum that taught students the fundamentals of filmmaking from the ground up, at each student’s own pace. We needed to provide a method and means for students to apply what they were learning and receive individualized feedback, similar to the workshop classes we’d attended in traditional film school. And finally, we needed to foster a welcoming community environment conducive to conversation and collaboration.

Fast-forward ten years, and Lights Film School is what it is today, a premiere online film school that equips students with everything they need to develop their technical skills, realize their creative potentials, and pursue career opportunities around them knowledgeably and confidently. In other words, we jumpstart your journey toward becoming a unique, masterful, and employable filmmaker.

Think of Lights Film School as your one-stop-shop for a formal filmmaking education that respects your wallet and your time. We’ve spent the better part of a decade building a learning experience that’s more affordable and adaptable than traditional film school; more curated and custom-made than free resources around the internet. It's film school for everyone, everywhere.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from January 20, 2018
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