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Shelly Wheeler Photography

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  • 2800 Osborne Road
    Jacksonville, FL 31558 (map)

About us

As a proud mother of 4 beautiful children I was constantly snapping my camera to try and capture those frequent but fleeting moments I never wanted to forget. It was through this love of my children that I discovered my love of photography. After several years of developing my skills and style I began to focus more on learning the techinical aspects of photography and that is when my passions for capturing memories really blossomed.

My work has allowed me to be part of so many firsts for families including a baby's first breath and look at the world, a toddler's first birthday, their first lost tooth and their first prom. I also get to particpate in so many momentous lasts, such as the last school dance, their last year of high school or their last day as a single woman. There are few things I enjoy more than the look on a family's face when I show them the amazing images of their loved ones. I feel so privilieged to be part of helping preserve family memories.

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