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Purina Canada - Equine

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  • 404 Main,
    Ontario, CA N4S 7X5 (map)

About us

Our passion for performance, health and well-being of horses brings us to constantly refine the formulation of our products using quality ingredients with a focus on safety and high nutritional value.

Our team of specialists and our advanced processes enables us to develop new and improved products that meet the growing demands of horse owners for even better formulations.

At all times, our Purina Equine Consultants remain at your disposal to help you develop a safe and balanced diet, tailored to the specific needs of your horses. Their knowledge of Purina products and their expertise in equine nutrition and horse care is incomparable.

In Canada, the Purina brand for equine is owned by CARGILL LTD.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from March 22, 2018
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