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Till Manecke : Architect

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 55 Roodebloem Road
    Cape Town, WC 7925 (map)

About us


Our practise is focused on good design.

Good design doesn’t only apply to creating an attractive appearance for a building or a memorable living space, although this is the fundamental and most talked about aspect of it. Creating something beautiful, memorable and particular to a clients identity and place. Something that is emotionally resonant.

Good design also applies to sustainability. Using resources wisely, making a place comfortable to inhabit, without consuming lots of resources to build and run it. Designing buildings that don’t require excessive air conditioning or heating to be comfortable and choosing efficient, planet friendly materials to achieve this. “Sustainable architecture is architecture that seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space and the ecosystem at large”.

Good design in terms of functionality and ergonomics. Making buildings that are intuitive to use, where things are where you expect them to be and where the briefs activities can be done easily and efficiently. For example a kitchen where all the things required for food preparation a placed so they’re easily accessible and one doesn’t have to move around a lot, to get to them. Designing functional relationships that are well considered, which often means keeping it simple and clear.

Good design in terms of efficiency. Creating well designed spaces that are the right size for ones needs. Designing away things like long passages and other unnecessary space, trying to keep the buildings footprint smaller and therefore more cost effective. It also applies to the structural rationale of a building. Trying to avoid excessively long structural spans for example, that require complex engineering which translates into a more expensive structure. Understanding materials and structure, so one can use them effectively, cutting out waste.

Good design in terms of longevity, building... show more
things to last. Arranging and detailing a building in such a way that it weathers and ages well. Using the right materials for the site conditions and considering what state they’re likely to be in 20 years time. Considering maintenance and the effort & costs associated with this.

Good design in terms of context. Achieving the clients needs whilst minimizing the potential negative impact on the surroundings. A building is always going to impact the area around it, but how you choose to design it, is what determines whether the impact is negative or positive. To be thoughtful and considerate; to strive to enhance the environment by ones intervention, to be socially beneficial.

Good design in a heritage context. Building in a heritage area does not mean that a new building needs to look like it was built 100 years ago. One should however understand the design characteristics & features of these areas and incorporate them into ones design, so that the new building fits into its heritage context, even though it is from another time. Our practice has extensive experience in renovations and new buildings in heritage areas. show more

Hours of operation

Monday09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday09:00 - 17:00
Thursday09:00 - 17:00
Friday09:00 - 17:00


3 recommendations and reviews from 3 people

  • Referral from November 7, 2016
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  • Referral from May 15, 2015
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  • Referral from September 9, 2014
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