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Rabbi Chaim Sperling

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Nof Ramot, Jerusalem
    Jerusalem (map)

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • WhoDoYou Review from November 27, 2011
    Mezuza and safrut expert Rabbi Sperling is a Talmid Chacham and an expert in safrut (safrus). He is a sofer, but does not write. He receives products from other sofrim and he checks them, rates them, and sells them. I have bought 100+ mezuzos from him over the years, and I sleep well at night knowing he checked each and every one by hand. He also checks and sells megillos and other items. Since he learns in Kollel, he is not around most of the time and is best reached after 8pm. I find this to be an advantage, though it sometimes makes it difficult to work with him since this is not his full-time occupation.
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  • Mezuza & safrut expertx

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