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Relais Hotel Centrale Firenze

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Via dei Conti, 3, 50100 Firenze FI, Italy
    Firenzuola 50100 (map)

About us

La sua ubicazione all'interno del prestigioso Palazzo Malaspina poi Palazzo de’ Conti, fa da cornice ad una struttura finemente ed accuratamente arredata, dove si respira un’atmosfera emozionale del passato, riconducibile alla bellezza e al gusto delle antiche dimore.

Located in the prestigious Malaspina Palace—later known as the Palazzo de ' Conti, Hotel Centrale is thoughtfully and carefully furnished, maintaining an atmosphere where one can breathe in the tranquility of the past while celebrating the beauty and taste of the ancient dwellings.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from September 11, 2013
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