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Three Chestnuts Paper & Photography

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Amesbury, MA 01844 (map)

About us

A little about me and my work: I am a graphic designer who has a passion for paper, DIY crafts and photography. I studied graphic design at Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island, and if you talk to any Salve Seahawk you will realize we are all a bit obsessed with the the town. I have work worked with a variety of clientele, and nothing made me feel more creative or got me as excited as designing invitations. From that grew a love for all things paper and DIY projects. I have always been interested in photography. I took classes at the Art Institute of Boston and studied the art throughout college. Combining my photography and invitation work together is a great fit for me and my clients.

A little about the name: The name Three Chestnuts comes from a town in Sicily where my family originated. The town is called Trecastagni, which translates to Three Chestnuts. The name refers to the town's three patron saints, Alfio, Filadelfio and Cirino, who were very strong willed and unchanged just like chestnut-trees. My grandfather would always tell his grandchildren stories about the family and made sure we knew about our history. This is a little tribute to my family, and a way for me to always remember where I came from.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from August 5, 2014
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