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Esko Photography

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Creative career started in 2008 as Derek moved back to West Hollywood from Jacksonville, FL.

As an accounts manager at Aarons Sales & Lease Derek had aspirations to move back to his hometown to persue his own clothing line brand.

Having friends all over town. Derek was invited to go on set to shoot along side his good friend from high school. Which would end up being Derek's first time on a photo-shoot set. Not knowing what he was getting into, he was nervous and almost backed out because of his lack of knowledge.

Heading towards 7th street bridge this was brand new territory and the nerves were high. Derek's friend informed him that they would be shooting with an upcoming rapper named YG.

Prior to that shoot Derek and his friend were hired to continue photographing then members of Pu$haz Inc.
YG, Ty Dolla $ign, DJ Mustard

Derek then got really familar with adobe photoshop. Learning the typcial HDR effects and filters. During that time that type of post production was something special.

Work started to get slow for Derek in Los Angeles. 6 months into being in the city. He was able to land an internship at a prestigious downtown studio names SlickForce Studio.

"Ill never forget showing up two hours early for my interview with the studio manager. Literally I sat on the cold floor in an empty hallway, knocking every 20 minutes just in case". Derek was determined and wasn't gonna let this new opportunity pass him by. The studio manager finally opened the door forgetting he had an interview with Derek that day.

Derek was introduced to his first professional photo studio. Green rooms, Reception area, Office space, Grip areas, and had the opportunity to see what 3800sq looked and felt like.

Derek was hired in 1 month. From handling all the grunt work he became hands on with all aspects of the photography business. Learning grip gear, lighting, casting process, business management, location scouting, pro retouching, and even was able to be published in a few magazines and... show more
books for his hard work.

There were a lot of perks living in Los Angeles. Working with celebrities, major networking and continuous learning.

Derek eventually wanted to take on his own pro career. With his grandfather being ill with cancer. He decided to move to Las Vegas, NV to be closer to family and pursue another venture.

Now living in Las Vegas, Derek has used his prior skills for real estate photography, product photography, graphic design and advertising for major companies around Las Vegas, along with his on going ESKO production.

Investing in becoming more self made. Derek has teamed up with other artists to start a clothing manufacturing company doing everything hands on. Also aspiring film maker. Derek looks to keep his artistic drive alive and soon travel the world.
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2 recommendations and reviews from 1 person

    Recommendations from Derek E.

  • Referral from April 30, 2015
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  • Referral from April 23, 2015
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