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Simple Truth Chiropractic

  • Zach, Vickie or Michelle
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  • 2757 Leonard St NE #200
    Grand Rapids, MI 49525 (map)

About us

At Simple Truth Chiropractic, our goal is to provide world class chiropractic care for each and every one of our patients. We provide structural correction chiropractic for all ages that includes gentle, specific chiropractic care for the spine, arms, legs and lifestyle education. Our doctors are specialized in pregnancy, pediatric, sports, auto accident injury and family wellness.

3 recommendations and reviews from 3 people

  • WhoDoYou Review from September 07, 2023
    If you are a person of color BEWARE, go somewhere where you are treated with respect. I was a patient here when they first opened. Had no issues. I called to make an appointment for me and my son. I was told my appointment was at 3pm but that I should arrive at least 15-20 minutes earlier to fill out paperwork. I arrived at 2:20 to ensure I had enough time. The office was closed. I saw people walking inside and I knocked multiple times but was ignored. I didn’t want to assume they were being rude so I went to the office next door and was told “they close for lunch but should be back by now”. I went on google and it said it was closed for lunch until 3pm. So I waited in the lobby. When it was 2:55pm, I got a call from the office to tell me that my appointment redes to be rescheduled because I wasn’t there on time to fill out the paperwork. I told Jenna or Jennifer, that I was outside of their door and had been since 2:20. She said she was sorry but even if I was there I didn’t have the paperwork ready so she has to reschedule me. I told her I had been there but the door was locked. She said there was nothing she could do. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and I told her I wasn’t interested in another appointment, I needed this appointment. Silence. I told her I was then going to cancel my son’s appointment for Monday and she said “ok” and hanged up. No question about what his name was. So I called back and asked to talk to the office manager. This woman confirmed what I was told. I explained to her how I was waiting in the lobby as TWO of her employees walked by, opened the door and locked it behind them. I was there on time. She said that they may have thought I was there for the other two offices, (which do not close for lunch) so I could just come the next day. I told her this was unprofessional and she dismissed it. I have an thick accent and can’t help but wonder if they would’ve done the same thing if I was a white lady as those tow women who walked by me did not make any contact or effort to say say as a kind gesture. I want to believe our city is changing but evidently it is not. I did everything right and I did t even get an apology, not one of them came out of the office to talk to me in person even though I told them repeatedly that I was outside of their door, a GLASS door. They just chose to dismiss me and not even given me the human decency of speaking to me in person. I am not a victim, I feel sorry for the doctors who get the bad rep for hiring unprofessional staff who need training desperately.
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  • Referral from August 25, 2014
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