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Roy Neighborhood Produce Co-op

Recommendations & Reviews

About us

We buy produce directly from the seller at wholesale prices, skipping the middle man (grocery stores), so we're able to get a lot more for our money. We're able to do this because we get large groups and buy in bulk. Anyone can join this co-op.

We now offer the co-op weekly. It switches between Bethany's house (SW of Winegar's) and Tonya's (off 4000 S). The person whose house it's at for the week is the person in charge that week. It's every Friday. We will post pickup times (they're in the morning) usually on the Thursday before pickup. If you can't pickup during that time you can let us know and we can try to arrange something.

It costs $16.50 cash or check and is paid when you pickup. If you say you want a basket you have to be good for it. You signup on this facebook page. Usually on Monday we'll ask who's in for that week. We try to do reminders Tuesday and sometimes Weds. too. We order the produce Thursday morning, so we have to have all signups by Weds. night.

You can check out past posts to see what type of produce we order. We try to order requests, but it depends on how much it costs that week. It's very similar to Bountiful Baskets, except we get a lot more staples. Things that it seems most families like to have around. The other stuff we rotate depending on requests and what's on sale.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from May 18, 2015
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