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House-Call Grooming FAQ

What is house-call grooming?

House Call grooming (or "in-home" grooming) is just what it says- I come to your house! I don't have a grooming van or trailer like many places, instead I come inside your home, and do it there!
I bring all the supplies needed to groom your pet. And best of all, I clean up the mess! In-Home grooming is an even more convenient way for people who love their pets to give them a stress free grooming experience. It is a particularly good option for older pets, nervous pets, those with separation anxiety, and for pet owners with busy schedules.

What are the benefits of house-call grooming?

If your pet is too young or too old to visit the grooming salon, then in-home grooming might be for you (and your pet)! Also I cater to owners who don’t want their pets to be left at the groomers’ for hours at a time, or pets who get stressed at the groomer from being in a cage or being around other animals. They dont wait their turn to be groomed, it's start to finish individual attention for every pet! I have personally seen pets stress out at the salon and act completely different at home!

What type of place do you need to work?

Ideally, it would be a hard surface- as carpeting is very hard to vacuum well. Great places to set up are the,laundry room, kitchen, garage, outdoor deck etc. And a place for me to bathe your pet after the groom.

Isn't it kind of messy?

Actually it isn't. I perform all clean up after the grooming so your provided grooming area looks like it did prior to my arrival.

Can I watch my pet being groomed?

Of course you can! The only thing I must ask is you follow Cesar Milan’s (The Dog Whisperer) golden rule: don’t talk, touch, or make eye contact with your pet during the grooming process.
This may make them frustrated or hyper, wanting to get to you, and may cause safety concerns. Sometimes pets act up the first time of being groomed at home, I may ask you to leave the room while working on your pets... show more
face. Sharp scissors near eyes and ears are not a good match when they're trying to look at you!

Estimated Prices... Additional charges may apply for De-matting and difficult behavior.

Small Breeds $50-60
Examples include Yorkies, Pomeranian, Bichon, ShihTzus,

Medium Breeds $60-70
Examples include Maltese, Westies, Shih Tzus, Schnauzers, Cocker Spaniel

Larger breeds $75-90
Examples include the Wheaton Terrier, Collie, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Golden Doodles, Labradoodles, Standard Poodle, Standard Schnauzer,

Giant breeds $90-120
Examples include Bernese Mountain Dog, Great Peyrenees,
St. Bernard, German Shepard, Husky


Lion Cut non matted $65
matted $75

Bath-only-grooming-- with bath, ear cleaning and nail trimming $35-$50

Toenail Trim-only $20 (free with any groom or bath)

All Grooms are strongly encouraged to be on a 6-8 week schedule to maintain good coat and nail health and minimize overgrowth show more

3 recommendations and reviews from 3 people

  • Referral from November 19, 2014
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  • Referral from July 16, 2013
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  • Referral from June 4, 2013
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