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The Dental Practice

  • www.thedentalpractice.net

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  • 1919 First Ave. E.
    Newton, IA 50208 (map)

About us

Dr. Rabedeaux has been connected to dentistry all of his life. His father Richard started this practice in 1957. Dr. Rabedeaux graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 1984. He joined his father in practice and has been practicing dentistry for 27 years. In 2008 he earned his mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry. About 1% of all the dentists in North America earn this distinction. He is one of 12 in Iowa.

Dental Cleanings, Preventative Care, & Exams:
During a routine cleaning, our staff will remove plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth. Because cavities don’t always exhibit symptoms, we’ll check for decay by taking digital x-rays.
If you struggle with tooth sensitivity, we have several effective ways to help reduce sensitivity during your visit.
Fluoride is a proven preventative aid to help strengthen tooth structure, prevent cavities, and reduce sensitivity.
During your routine cleaning, we’ll check for signs of oral cancer, gum disease, decay and we’ll also screen for sleep and airway disorders.

We use composite fillings to restore the natural color of your teeth after removing decay and damaged tooth structure.

Root Canal Treatment:
The miracle of root canal therapy allows you to keep a tooth that might otherwise have to be removed. During a root canal, our doctor will remove the infected pulp, clean the inside of the tooth, and then seal the area.

Recent research shows our sealant technique as the most effective method. Dental sealants are a non-invasive, preventative treatment. Research suggests placing resin in grooves of newly erupted molars. They’re effective on both children and adults.
Grooves must be clean with no plaque or debris. Trapped “crud” is the #1 reason sealants fail, allowing decay to start under them.
We use “air abrasion”: a micro-sandblaster using fine dust in a super-fast air stream. It removes all the crud, stain and plaque. The tooth is chemically cleaned, dried and the sealant... show more
With this method we observe sealants lasting more than 15 years. Regular dental visits allow us to correct any problems before damage occurs. It is all about the process and service. Ask about our guarantee!
It gets better! New research shows that sealing the molar grooves eliminates an important environment for decay-causing germs. This helps protect all the teeth. Great news!

Dental Implants:
When teeth are removed, up to 70% of the supporting bone diminishes in the first year.
Dental Implants are often the best replacement option for missing teeth. They restore bone function and prevent it from being lost.
It’s bad enough to lose teeth, but losing bone too is a double whammy.
We have special 3D radiography to evaluate your bone and this allows us to place implants in the ideal location. This makes it safer and more predictable than ever before.
Implants are used in many ways. They can replace a single tooth or several teeth. Implants can also be used to secure a complete and/or partial denture.
With our combined 35 years of experience you can count on safe and excellent care.

Dental Crowns & Bridges:
When teeth are broken or have advanced damage, a crown may be needed to restore and strengthen it. A crown works like the ring around a barrel to hold the tooth together and give it the strength it needs to function correctly.
Bridges connect several teeth together and allow us to replace missing teeth. A bridge is cemented and does not have to be taken out at night.

General Tooth Extraction:
Sometimes teeth are damaged or diseased to the point they require tooth extraction. If this is the case, we’ll take good care of you with the most gentle and modern techniques.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction:
Between the ages of 17 and 30, a set of adult molars, known as wisdom teeth, will start to grow in. If they don’t have enough room to grow, they can cause problems. We have advanced 3D radiography to help monitor wisdom teeth development. We can help guide you about how to best manage wisdom teeth. including removal if necessary.

Full & Partial Dentures:
Dentures are removable prosthetic appliances that replace missing teeth and surrounding tissue. We customize your full or partial dentures so they fit well and restore your natural smile.

Gum Treatment:
3 out of 4 Americans have some form of gum disease. Yes, you did read that correctly.
Gum disease is an infection caused by germs. It affects teeth, gums, the cardiovascular system, bad breath, diabetes, pregnancy and other bodily systems. It’s always a negative relationship.
Healthy gums don’t bleed. As gum disease gets more serious; bone loss and gum damage occur and the systemic risks increase.
Moderate gum disease, with up to 50% bone loss around the teeth can create the same surface area for germ invasion as a nine-square-inch open wound. That’s huge!
Great news! Now we can test for the exact germs causing problems and treat the disease better than ever. Our team is trained on how to target YOUR specific germs and rid your body of the disease. We use laser therapy for many of our patients and have seen INCREDIBLE results!

Porcelain Veneers:
Veneers are a great option if you’re embarrassed by the shape and color of your teeth. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that bond to your teeth and gum line. They make your teeth appear fuller, whiter, straighter, and they can fill in chipped or cracked areas.
We customize each veneer to match every individual tooth. Once finished, you’ll shine with a beautiful and radiant smile!

Are you feeling self-conscious about your crooked teeth or misaligned smile? ClearCorrect® aligning trays make it possible to get a straighter and more beautiful smile without the need for metal braces.
Every few weeks, we’ll adjust your ClearCorrect® trays and customize them to your changing teeth. Once you’ve completed treatment, your teeth will look straighter, radiant, and more uniform.

Teeth Whitening:
Have years of smoking or drinking coffee caused your teeth to lose their natural luster? Tooth discoloration is a natural part of the aging process, but your lifestyle can also cause staining.
At The Dental Practice, our teeth whitening treatment can restore your smile’s natural color. Our whitening treatment is safe and painless, and our trained staff focuses on preventing tooth sensitivity and gum irritation in the process. show more

Hours of operation

Monday8:00AM - 6:00PM
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, SunClosed


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    Recommendations from Betty W.

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