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Law Office of Evan Barrickman

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  • 745 West 4th Avenue, Suite 250
    Anchorage, AK 99501 (map)

About us

Evan was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. He attended Colorado State University and obtained a bachelor's degree in Business Management. Evan returned to Alaska and worked as a field engineer for a construction company before attending law school in Oregon.

Evan graduated cum laude from Willamette University College of Law and was a member of Moot Court and Law Review. Evan also received a certificate in dispute resolution and was nominated to the Order of the Barristers and received honors in mediation, summer externship, advanced negotiation, intensive trial practice and setting up a law practice, and also received high paper in wildlife law.

While attending law school, Evan clerked for the Law Office of Tom C. Bostwick. While still in school, Evan sat second chair and defended at trial a client accused of first-degree murder. The client was acquitted of all charges and was released from state custody after the judge found that the client had acted in self-defense. Additionally, Evan sat second chair in another major felony case where he handled the cross-examination of all the arresting and investigating officers.

Also while in law school, Evan successfully drafted a post-conviction petition and memorandum that was granted by Judge Gardner in Oregon. In essence the client who was originally sentenced to life without parole was granted a new sentencing trial on his aggravated murder charge. The client may be afforded life with parole pending the outcome of his new sentencing trial after appeal.

As part of his law school activities, Evan was secretary and first vice-president of the Student Bar Association at Willamette University. As part of those roles, Evan attended to student's needs and acted as an intermediary between faculty and students.

Evan moved back to his home of Anchorage, Alaska in 2012 and is admitted to practice in both state and federal district court in Alaska.

The Law Office of Evan Barrickman is a general practice firm that takes many... show more
different types of cases.

If you have a legal issue please contact the Law Office of Evan Barrickman for a consultation.

(907) 770-9000 show more

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