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Forever and Always

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Hayward Avenue
    Weston-super-Mare, England BS247FR (map)

About us

We assist with the design, planning and management of our client's wedding. We know weddings are significant milestones in people's lives, however, the organisation can be complex and stressful. Its our aim to ensure that our clients enjoy the build up to the day as much as the day itself by using our extensive supplier database to deliver the dreams of the bride.

Our full service would include
Interviewing the couple and the parents to identify their needs.
Budget preparation
Planning detailed checklist
Attendee list preparation
Identification of event venues (hotels, wedding manor etc.)
Identifying and hiring of wedding professionals and service providers (caterers, photographers, videographers, beautician, florists, bakers etc.), and preparation and execution of contracts.
Coordination of deliveries/services on the wedding day.
Have a back-up plan in the event of a disaster.
Assist and prepare legal documentation and translations - especially for destination weddings

No matter what requirement our clients have, we work with them, not for them, to deliver the dream, our dream is your dream......

Hours of operation

Monday9:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday9:00AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday9:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday9:00AM - 12:00PM
Friday9:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday9:00AM - 5:00PM


Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from June 13, 2015
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  • Wedding plannerx

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