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Judy Bowlby Special Occasion Hair Styles (Judy Bowlby Special Occasion Hair & Makeup)

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 9585 Silverdale Loop RD NW
    Silverdale, WA 98383 (map)

About us

Judy is a creative stylist with over 40 years in the beauty business. Your hairstyle and makeup will be uniquely yours. Remember- professionally applied makeup lasts a lifetime. It endures in photographs, timeless reminders of your day.
Your group (no matter how big or small) will have a great time in our studio with photography availability, or... Judy is always packed and ready to apply her skills at YOUR location.
So slow down, relax and enjoy your day, knowing you'll be beautiful.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from March 28, 2015
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