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Dont Be Cruel Animal Rescue

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About us

Don't Be Cruel! was started over 7 years ago by my family and I when we realized the urgent need for one. Over these few years we have helped to save and place over 750 animals. I know that doesn't sound like a lot. But considering that we do this at our home with virtually no funding except our own and a few donations now and then, I feel as if we've done an excellent job. But unfortunately, we are turning them away daily. But we're still here and not planning on going anywhere,except maybe to relocate to a larger facility if funds ever permit. We take all breeds, both large and small, ranging from cats, dogs, puppies, kittens, and have even rescued 2 horses which I had to board. NO ROOM! We do our best to accomodate the animals in our facility even if that means sharing our house when it's cold, cooking for them when we're low on food, and pawning whatever we have to when a vet is needed. As I've been an active animal activist for over 25 years and have worked in a variety of jobs related to animals including dog grooming for almost 30, I am equipped to handle almost any emergency that arises. With the help of the local police department and a few friends in low places(if you know what I mean) we have helped to put an end to 2 fighting rings and have rehabilitated 6 pitt bulls. We currently house 2. We don't charge a fortune to adopt our animals but we have an extensive application that was drawn up by an attorney and we do check all references and as much background as possible. We also do follow up phone calls and home visits if we deem necessary after the animal is placed. This is by no means a large facility, but an extremely needed rescue. These animals are our family and we protect our family.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from February 25, 2015
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