Anyone recommend a decent taxi service to use in Queensbury? Please don't suggest Marquis as I've had nothing but poor service from them and need an alternative. Thanks
James J. replied:
Bank top usually do allright with me 01274 501100
Matthew S. replied:
01274 884000
Ellie M. replied:
01274884000 // cue cars
Lisa B. replied:
Marquis used to be great... I don't know what's happened to them.... Great Horton 01274 522833. fab telephone operators and drivers.. Good prices too
In need of a local reliable taxi service. I've been using bank top but they are worst taxi company I've used in a long time. 25mins to wait for a taxi is bloody...
Anne T. replied:
Cue Cars. I use them all the time.
Christingle S. replied:
I usually call Travis. x/bf/12/c2/bf12 c2 bf1 e67 d0 b823042 d579 d8 a31 eb.jpg
Anyone else had issues with how much Jenny’s taxis charge? 3.5 mile journey cost £7.50 when there was no traffic on the road or anything? + any good taxi company’s...
Carol B. replied:
They are in with cue cars not marquis. Cue cars charge £7 from west end to Halifax centre