I just found out my son has leukemia and unfortunately children's hospital canceled my appointment I had with them ..all because my medical got switched to iehp..anyone know of a good doctor or hospital please let me know
Amberlyn R. replied:
Shriners Hospital All care is provided regardless of the families' ability to pay. To request an appointment, call our patient coordinator at 213-368-3366 or 888-486-5437. https://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/Locations/losangeles/Patients-and-Families/Appointments-and-admissions?gclid=Cj0KCQjwiqTNBRDVARIsAGsd9Mog5KD9PEjKHWPX8FeSiuzr-81 uRfPiN6ZM4 b3OmLDv3VD5 ibf5 aOUaAnjvEALw_wcB