Anyone know/recommend refrigerator repairman? Esp someone that could come ASAP
I have repairman coming Tues morn, but ill have lost everything by then. Both fridge/freezer sides not cooling as should.
Terry W. replied: fixed my washer on a moment's notice recently.
Recommendations for an appliance repair service? Fridge may have bit the dust... Looks like neither the freezer nor the fridge part are keeping cold. We caught it after a few hours, so I think our food will be safe in coolers outside overnight with some ice from the local gas station until we can cook it in the morning and put it back into a working cooling unit!
Until then.... does anyone have a recommendation for a fridge repair service? Ideally, I'd like to be able to call in the morning around 7:00 am and have them here ASAP, or at least before it starts to warm up outside.
colindean replied:
A search for "appliance repair pittsburgh" seemed to have as a result (apropos) and that link was purple, so I may have used them previously, but I have no recollection of their service.