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Murdock Nutritional Healing

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  • 6229 Constitution Dr
    Fort Wayne, IN 46804 (map)

About us

My name is Dr. Dave Murdock and I am very happy that you have decided to arrive here for care. I know it is not easy to try something that you are unfamiliar with and I just wanted to start by acknowledging that. When I was first presented with using muscle testing as a tool to help discover what was wrong with people I did not quite know what to make of it. Please allow me to explain a little bit about my history and how I arrived where I am now and why I do what I do.
I am originally from Fort Wayne and received my bachelor’s degree from IUPU in the biological sciences. When I was going to college I suffered from bad sinus headaches and finally went to the doctor for help. He gave me a prescription, I still remember it clearly, it was Brexin, a blue and white capsule. I took it and it just didn’t help. I went back and he gave me a different prescription and it didn’t help either. So he gave me another prescription and it didn’t work. I went back and he gave me the same prescription I had started with. I decided that this just wasn’t working. My sister had a friend who was a chiropractor and she suggested I try him to see if he might help. So I went to Dr. Steve Kelman who was practicing on State Street at the time and, you know, it worked. At the time I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do in life, I was looking at different things, I had even taken the MCAT entry test for medical school and scored well enough for acceptance but for some reason knew that I didn’t want to be a medical doctor. I looked at chiropractic and it fit. What a good job, getting paid for helping people all day and being your own boss on top of it all. So I went to Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa and after 4 years of college received my degree to be a chiropractor. When I was in college, being an analytical type of person I became very interested in Spinal Biomechanics. In fact, I was president of the Spinal Biomechanics Club and gave lectures at... show more
9:30 every day in the student auditorium. I even took a period off from college and went to work with the founder of the Spinal Biomechanics Institute in Tacoma, Washington (Dr. Burl Pettibon). When I came back I helped him teach continuing education courses to doctors and students at Palmer College.
After I graduated I set up practice off Lima Road and practiced for several years. At one point in my practice I remember calculating spinal force vectors for correcting a particularly troublesome patient. I stopped and thought to myself, “The reason that this person is not getting better is not because the line of correction of my adjustment thrust is one degree off.” It was obvious to me that there was some other reason that some people just didn’t seem to get better and hold their corrections like they should. I started looking for answers.
One day I decided to call Dan Beeson, a chiropractor from Oregon who I had heard about and talked to him about it. He said to me, “If you want to see miracles go to a Dr. Versandall seminar.” The next time there was a seminar nearby I attended it. I walked in and sat down and before too long Dr. Versandall was doing this strange looking thing with a person’s arm held up and he was moving his other hand around real fast and saying all sorts of things and I thought it was just goofy. But all these people came up telling about how they had been everywhere and no one had helped them and then Dr. Versandall fixed them. There was even a medical doctor who taught at a medical college and owned a chain of pharmacies who stood up in front and talked. His wife had a rare disease involving fat metabolism and she was dying. He took her to all the top doctors in the United States (he could afford it) and no one could help her. Then he came to Dr. Versandall and Dr. Versandall did his muscle testing exam and gave her special supplements to take and she totally recovered.
I said, “What the heck” and went up and took my place in line for Dr. Versandall to test me. He spotted a hypoglycemic condition that I had that had plagued me for some time and recommended supplements to take and you know--it worked.
I learned the technique and started to use it as a complimentary element in my practice. What do you know! I found people’s spines were staying corrected and people who previously had not shown good progress became better. Not only that, all sorts of other conditions and complaints that patients had also were disappearing. I started incorporating muscle testing in my practice more and more. The more that I used it the happier and healthier my patients were. Some results were downright astonishing.
Somewhere around 1991, I was taking classes in Chicago and a friend of mine from Chicago who was taking classes with me was diagnosed with the worst form of leukemia. The doctors told him that he needed to get his affairs together for his kids and wife. I tested him and placed him on a program of supplements. That was twenty years ago and he’s still fine with normal blood counts. Any way he had a large family and knew a lot of people so the next thing I knew I had 20 or so people who wanted me to test them. I thought, “twenty new patients who need help, I’ll go to Chicago on the weekends and test them.” I was working in Fort Wayne during the week and driving to Chicago on the weekend and meeting at people’s houses to examine them. Each weekend I would meet at a different house and everyone would meet there. After a while I tired of finding houses in Chicago and I rented a small place in the near north side of Chicago and saw people there on the weekends while still seeing my regular crew in Fort Wayne.
I was having kind of a problem in Fort Wayne however. I was getting two different publics. By that I mean that I was getting one type of patient that wanted the classic chiropractic care and another that wanted the muscle testing and supplements. The classical chiropractic group didn’t seem to be that interested in taking supplements and getting muscle tested and nutritional muscle testing group didn’t want the orthopedic neurological exam, x-rays and coming back a couple of times a week. I realized that when a patient came in that wanted “regular” chiropractic care I was happy to help but when someone wanted the nutritional muscle testing I became happy and enthusiastic. I was getting quite a reputation in Chicago as I had had a few more “Hallelujah” type cases and decided I was going to move to Chicago full time and do what I enjoyed. I practiced successfully in Chicago for several years. During the time I was practicing in Chicago I was dating my future wife (from Fort Wayne). Now I’m back in Fort Wayne with her and my two young boys helping people become happier, healthier and abler with nutritional muscle testing.
I’ve been doing this now for over 20 years and every day I am still amazed at the results. The body has an extraordinary ability to heal when you work with it rather than trying to bypass it with drugs. Many people have come to me and have received help when all else has failed. It is not hopeless if you have not yet tried Cause and Effect Muscle Testing. I heartily look forward to you being our next success story.
Dr. David A. Murdock D.C. show more

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  • Recommendations from Arlene M.

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  • Recommendations from Shelby G.

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