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Reflexion Yoga

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  • Canberra, ACT 85013 (map)

About us

I discovered yoga in 2009 when my sister took me along to a workshop run by one of Australia's best known Yoga instructors, Duncan Peak. I took part in a 3 hour workshop and fell in love with the practice. I knew I had found something that would change my life and I had to learn more, I felt like a sponge ready to soak it all up. Within a matter of weeks I had signed up to do my first teacher training with international yoga teacher Baron Baptiste. Baron came to Australia and yogis from all over the world followed him. Baron's teacher training boot camp had a powerful effect on my body, my mind and my soul. I was totally hooked on the practice of yoga. Soon after my level one teacher training with Baron, my love of yoga (and now teaching) took me to Sydney where I studied once again with Duncan Peak and the team at Power Living. I started teaching small classes of mostly friends and family and eventually found myself teaching in many yoga studios around Canberra. To me the practice of yoga is about developing a deeper sense of self and almost an "un learning'', a peeling away of the layers of built up tension, and the labels and definitions we create in our minds. It's a time to turn my gaze inward, to let go of the outside world and reflect on what it is that my heart truly yearns for. I feel a sense of release, not just on a physical level but mentally and emotionally. I love to share what this wonderful practice has taught me, and hold space for others to re connect to their higher selves and find their own way on their journey of self discovery. The style of yoga I teach is called Power Vinyasa Yoga, it is a flowing style of yoga that links movement to breath and can be modified or intensified to suit the level of each individual student. As well as the physical postures I like to introduce some yogic philosophy and encourage students to go deep within themselves which can be challenging for the body and the mind. I encourage each student to find their own... show more "edge" the place between intensity and sensitivity, a place where we open ourselves up to possibilities and let go of resistance or what ever it may be that holds us back from all that we are capable of. I believe that each one of us is powerful and beautiful beyond measure and it is my greatest wish to open the door of possibility for everyone who finds there way to my class. Namaste show more

2 recommendations and reviews from 1 person

    Recommendations from Caz S.

  • Referral from February 13, 2015
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