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Recommendations & Reviews

  • 3597 Main St, Riverside, CA 92501, USA
    Riverside, CA 92501 (map)

About us


Many people have asked questions about PRO∀BITION regarding our theme and menu, but the most frequent question concerns our name, more specifically, our logo. When the concept of a prohibition era themed restaurant and whiskey bar for the historic downtown Riverside community was conjured, it was imagined to be a classic yet contemporary venue for all to come and enjoy. The “classic” resonates in our cocktails, décor, and nightly entertainment, while the contemporary shines through our carefully crafted menu that fuses international flavors.

The difficulty of harmonizing the contrasting qualities in our restaurant underscores the arduous task of encapsulating that concept in one word or symbol. So we chose to do both, hence, PRO∀BITION. The ∀ in our “play on words” is a mathematical symbol, which means “for all.” We found it quite appropriate, as mathematics is the universal language understood and spoken by all in terrestrial nature, music, and the cosmos.

In combining classic cocktails, décor, and entertainment with a contemporary menu in a venue meant to be enjoyed for all; PRO∀BITION invites you to raise a glass to celebrating old standards and creating new ones.

Hours of operation

Monday3:00PM - 11:59PM
Tuesday3:00PM - 11:59PM
Wednesday3:00PM - 11:59PM
Thursday3:00PM - 11:59PM
Friday11:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturday10:00AM - 2:00PM
Sunday10:00AM - 12:00PM


2 recommendations and reviews from 2 people

  • Referral from November 14, 2015
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