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Dog Authority


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About us

I grew up on a farm and was always an animal lover, especially dogs. My personal belief is the Japanese Akita my mom had when I was born played a role in my love and connection to dogs. He used to sit by my baby swing and run to get someone if it stopped. He was great with me and made a fantastic babysitter!

I started dog training and behavior in 1998. My first dog, Rocky, was a Shepherd/Collie mix and he is the reason I became a dog trainer. When he hit teenage hood I had to call in a professional trainer. During one of the training sessions the trainer asked if I had ever considered becoming a dog trainer. When I was a child I wanted to be a vet, but abandoned the idea when I thought about having to euthanize dogs. Dog training and behavior seemed like a natural fit. My training to become a trainer and behavior expert was via apprenticeship. To this day I am grateful that Rocky led me down this path.

Dog training is not just a job for me, it is my passion. I take time with my clients and don’t rush them with an hourly fee. I truly believe once you start training with me, you are part of my dog training family. Your dogs become like my dogs and are treated that way. I work with the dog as a whole, meaning what a dog eats, its environment, physical, and mental needs all play a role in training. Plus, I am a practical trainer who takes into consideration your family’s schedule as well.

Community involvement is another joy for me – whether it is teaching dog safety to children or working with organizations that help rescue dogs find permanent, loving homes. If I can educate people about dogs and further communication between dogs and humans, I am in my glory.

Hours of operation

Monday9:00AM - 8:00PM
Tuesday9:00AM - 8:00PM
Wednesday9:00AM - 8:00PM
Thursday9:00AM - 8:00PM
Friday9:00AM - 8:00PM
Saturday9:00AM - 8:00PM
Sunday10:00AM - 6:00PM


3 recommendations and reviews from 1 person

    Recommendations from Gina A.

  • Referral from November 20, 2015
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  • Referral from July 8, 2015
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  • Referral from March 26, 2015
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  • Pet Trainerx

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