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Phat Guard Rolling

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Melbourne, VIC 3910 (map)

About us

Just got new wheels or lowered your car?

Are the tyres now grabbing your guards?

Eliminate that problem, have your guards professionally rolled.

Cost is $80 a pair or $150 if you get all 4 corners rolled!

Most makes and models can be done. Ask to confirm your car can be done first.

I prefer to work at home but I can come to you, there will be a $50 travel fee if I do though.

The Rolling Process
Step 1:
The vehicle is jacked up and wheel or wheels removed.

Step 2:
The guard lip is cleared of dirt, gravel etc.

Step 3:
The guard is heated with a heat gun to allow the paint to flex while being rolled.

Step 4:
The guard lip is rolled in several stages, a little at a time and heated during each stage.

Step 5:
Once completed the inner lip of the guard will be an almost vertical “u” shape or as close to 90 degrees as possible from the original horizontal lip.

A successful roll is dependant on a number of factors, can vary from vehicle to vehicle and may change if the vehicle:-

•has uneven or very large spot welds around guard lip
•has any weak spots in the guard
•is an older vehicle
•has holes, grooves, seams or joins or variations in the structure of the guard lip
•has any rust, body filler etc under the paint
•has been modified or has had earlier smash repairs


Phat Guard Rolling does not accept liability for damage arising from rolling guards on any vehicle, this includes paint cracking or flaking or any rippling, distortion, indenting or changes in guard shape or location.
However, every effort will be made to identify possible problems, reduce risk and liaise with the client before the commencement of any work.

11 recommendations and reviews from 6 people

  • Referral from February 7, 2017
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  • Referral from November 28, 2016
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  • Recommendations from Pete T.

  • Referral from November 16, 2015
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  • Referral from October 5, 2015
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  • Referral from August 27, 2015
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  • Referral from May 4, 2015
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